Am I Crazy? I think my bus is talking to me….

Am I Crazy? I think my bus is talking to me….

19:58 16 July in Blog, Product Info

Automated Voice Announcements (AVA) systems on transit have been around for a while. There is a sense of comfort when you hear that familiar ding, your attention is drawn to the speaker, and you listen for the next stop or hear about what you can do when you get off at this location.  Not only does AVA support compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is one of the most important functions it serves, but it also can completely transform your passenger’s experience on board the vehicle.

When riding on transit, take a look around. You’ll see passengers conversing with neighbors, taking a quick snooze, listening to music on their cellphones (hopefully with headphones), watching videos, reading a book, or daydreaming while looking out of the window. AVA engages passengers. It brings them out of their own world and focuses them on the transit ride. AVA reduces stress, informs passengers, and limits the extra work drivers need to do if they are responsible for PA announcements.

Passio’s AVA solution fully integrates with our IncroMAXX Passenger Counting system or the Gateway On Board Card Validation and Tracking systems. Stops automatically trigger announcements, routes and times can also be programmed to let you know important information. Give us a call and we’ll walk you through a demo…see if AVA is right for you.