Passio Technologies’ vision for transit technology comes from years of transit consulting coupled with a passion for technology.
Passio provides innovative, modular, and customizable technology solutions for transit customers in the university, municipal, corporate, healthcare, aviation, residential and hospitality industries. Our Passio NavigatorTM enables customers to have both full system control and true integration.
Real Time Passenger Information – GPS tracking using Passio GOTM on Smartphones and screens, Automated Voice Announcements, and on-board LED Smart Signs are coupled with Automated Passenger Counting and Computer Aided Dispatch/Automated Vehicle Locator (CAD/AVL) systems to provide detailed visibility and comprehensive insight into the transit system
Unique product applications separate Passio from competitors. Passio BusBuzzTM is our text and mobile web application for Passenger Feedback. Questions, comments, and concerns are categorized with menu trees, and vehicle number and bus location are auto-assigned.
Passio GatewayTM validates passengers and limits boarding access to only authorized users using Tap, Swipe, or Scan Technology when passengers enter the bus. The system enhances security and provides detailed demographics reporting.
Operations Management Tools and Reporting and Analytics are provided by Passio NavigatorTM and Passio OpsViewTM. With Instant Alerts such as speeding, off route, out of boundary, and idling, dispatch and management can address transit issues in real time, correcting issues before they escalate. Detailed reporting tools provide operational visibility to determine if routes and schedules are meeting on time performance and headways objectives. Trend analysis and report card reports empower leadership to make cost and resource decisions with data available at the click of a mouse.