Passio’s Real-Time Route Updating Allows You to Respond Fast, Proactively Plan And Better Serve Your Riders

Passio’s Real-Time Route Updating Allows You to Respond Fast, Proactively Plan And Better Serve Your Riders

12:49 29 September in Uncategorized

One of your buses turns a corner and hits a snag—a water-main break a few blocks ahead that’s rerouting traffic. How quickly can you adjust your routing—systemwide—to adapt to the obstacle? With Passio, it’s as quickly as your driver can alert dispatch.

Transit-system disruptions are a fact of life. Perhaps it’s that water main break. Maybe it’s a parade, demonstration, construction, or weather (i.e., snow, flash flooding, etc.). Whatever it is, with Passio, we make sure it’s no more than a minor speed bump.

Make Updates in Real Time

Through the Passio Navigator console, route updates can be made in real time. Even better, Passio puts the power to make those instant updates into your hands. No need to contact your technology provider, initiate a support ticket, and wait in line.

And you know what that means: you quickly get back to delivering the level of customer service you’re committed to providing your riders.

Updates Instantly Populate All Outputs

Take the water-main break discussed above—an example of an unexpected disruption. Once a driver reports it to dispatch, the dispatcher can draw a new route—perhaps skipping a stop if necessary—and lock it in.

Now, that update immediately shows up in reporting, on the Passio GO rider app, on your website, as well as updating your GTFS-RT feed. All route updates are made at the dispatch level, not the driver level.

Ultimate Flexibility

Then there are more predictable updates—a known upcoming event; or seasonal snow routes that avoid steep hills or secondary streets that aren’t quickly cleared, etc.

Here, Passio gives you the ability to create different versions of a route that you can instantly switch to, and then, at any point in the future, revert back to the original route.

You can even proactively create alternate routes—before disruptions happen—and set your system to revert to a particular alternate route (i.e., “make this version active”) under specific circumstances, or on a certain specified date, and to then switch back to the original route when certain conditions/dates are reached.

Perhaps a university construction project will close off a particular road for four months. Once you have a definite date when that road will be open again, you can program the route to automatically revert back to the original route setting.

What could this sort of flexibility mean for your customer service delivery and your system predictability? Now, no more waiting until midnight to make any route changes. With Passio, you can react at the speed of life.

For more information on, or to request a demo of Passio’s real-time, routing-update capability, contact Passio at [email protected] or call 678-825-3456.